Friday, August 27, 2010

Retro Camera - Succulents and Stuff

All Andrew's Plants has moved to

You can find this post here on my new site for the full post and to leave comments.

Retro Camera is an Android App that lets you take stylized pictures that resemble the output from four different cameras: The Bärbel, The Little Orange Box, Xolaroid 2000, & The Pinhole Camera. Essentially it's similar to Hipstamatic, and similarly looks best with succulents and other "retro" subjects (Like my air conditioner in Shot #6, or the Parsley or Hosta).

Fun little app, not going to be a staple of mine but fun for the occasional shot. Maybe I'll aim for four shots a and post them as a special weekly feature. Probably won't post them that often though.

(And in case you were wondering, that chicken seared then slow cooked in a Honey Mustard/Balsamic sauce with Thyme and Onions was very good. I'd give you a recipe but I can't say for sure how much of anything I added.)


  1. Nice! We went a little hipstamatic crazy when we first got it.

  2. Interesting shots! I like the sound of that darn chicken best though! It's late and time for my bedtime snack...which will be nothing that lushious sounding, I assure you!!! Hehehe!


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