Saturday, March 27, 2010

Toronto Gesneriad Society Show, 2010

All Andrew's Plants has moved to

You can find this post here on my new site for the full post and to leave comments.

I went to the Toronto Gesneriad Society Show earlier today. It was my first day off since I started working last Saturday so I told myself I would decide to go or not based on whether I slept though it or not. I didn't.

Here are some pictures:

Episcia 'Ember Lace'
Episcia 'Ember Lace' - If I could grow Episcia at all this cultivar would be at the top of my list.

Episcia 'Blue Nile'
Episcia 'Blue Nile'

Streptocarpus 'Purple Panda'
Streptocarpus 'Purple Panda'

Streptocarpus dunnii
Streptocarpus dunnii

Saintpaulia 'Demer's Pixie Belle'
Saintpaulia 'Demer's Pixie Belle'

Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. orbicularis
Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. orbicularis

Chirita liboensis
Chirita liboensis - My favourite of the show. Large Dark leaves with huge numbers of flowers. The plant was pretty big as well compared to the Chirita cultivars I grow. Very striking.

Columnea pulchra 'Orange Crush'
Columnea pulchra 'Orange Crush'

Kohleria 'Pink Shadow'
Kohleria 'Pink Shadow'

Sinningia sp. Florianopolis
Sinningia sp. Florianopolis


  1. Nice photos! I am a fan of Episcia, of course. I think I finally killed my year-old Streptocarpus "Vampire's Kiss." But the Chirita, Kohleria, and Streptocarpella that I just got at the DC's Gesneriad Society show the other week are looking fine.

    Did you end up picking anything up?

    I missed the native plant sale at the Arboretum today--I had assumed it would go until 4 or 5, as these things generally have a way of doing, but it was over at 2. I didn't check the schedule until noon, and it takes me so long to get there... Ah well. I bought some Agave online to tide me over, instead.

  2. I find Streps will either do very well or slowly die, and that it depends more on the plant than on too much else. That has been my experience with them anyway.

    I did get a few things. Two African Violet leaves, a Chirita and a Strep. I will have to check their names. Maybe I'll post their pictures too. None are very big. Especially not the leaves.

  3. I've only every had African Violets. I think I've underestimated these plants. They are really lovely. They look like they should be displayed individually in simple pots.

    I have no Gesneriads at this point but will be on the lookout.


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